Commissioning DNT2Mi
DN01145897 © Nokia Corporation 45 (128)
Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
Use of front panel keys In use
Q1 rate *) 4800 bit/s
*) = Recalling the default values does not change the values set for the Q1
management parameters. The original values for these parameters can be recalled by
recalling the factory settings, refer to Section 6.10.
Table 6. Line parameters
Line interface STU-R rate adaptive, 2-wire
Power backoff ON
Bit error alarm limit
Table 7. Multiplexer parameters
Use of time slots No time slots connected
Table 8. Port parameters, V-series (V.11, V.28, V.35 or EIA-530-A)
Port rate n x 64k (n=1)
Use of V.110 rate adaptation in
port 2 or 3
Not in use
In port 2 or 3 9600 kbit/s, Synchronous
Remote loop detection Allowed
Externally caused alarms Disabled (not to be seen through Q1).
However, even if these alarms are disabled, they
cause front panel alarms.
Rx timing (CT103) DCE source (CT114)
CTS use Not in use
DCD Follows line synchronisation
Circuit 140 Disabled
Circuit 141 Disabled
Table 5. Global parameters (Continued)