DN01145897 © Nokia Corporation 3 (128)
Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
Contents 3
Summary of changes 7
1 About this document 9
2 Introduction to DNT2Mi 11
3 Applications 13
4 Construction and interfaces 15
4.1 Front panel 15
4.1.1 Indicators and keys 16
4.1.2 Local management interface 16
4.2 Rear panel 19
4.2.1 Terminal interfaces 20
5 Installing DNT2Mi 23
5.1 Electromagnetic compatibility 23
5.2 Grounding of DNT2Mi 23
5.3 Clearances around DNT2Mi 24
5.4 Work order 25
5.5 Inserting DTE interface units 25
5.6 Free-standing installation 27
5.7 Installing DNT2Mi on a wall or into a rack 27
5.7.1 Installing DNT2Mi on a wall 27
5.7.2 Uninstalling a wall-mounted DNT2Mi 30
5.7.3 Installing a modem shelf into a 19-inch rack 30
5.7.4 Installing DNT2Mi in a modem shelf 31
5.7.5 Uninstalling DNT2Mi from a modem shelf 33
5.8 Connecting power supply 34
5.8.1 Troubleshooting 37
5.8.2 Strain relief 37
5.9 Completing the installation 38
5.9.1 Verifying the installation 38
5.9.2 Adjusting the LCD display 38
5.9.3 Recommended actions after the installation 38
6 Commissioning DNT2Mi 39
6.1 Automatic power-up test 39
6.2 Management 40
6.3 Timing source 41
6.4 Line settings 41
6.5 Port settings 41
6.6 Time slot settings (Q1: 6,5) 42
6.7 Protection settings 42
6.8 Measurements 43
6.9 Default values 44