
Chapter 3. Using the gateway
Variable Value Description
admin-deny-ip IP-list
These lists can be used to
prevent connection from given IP
addresses. Each list can have
several addresses, separated with
semicolons (’;’). An asterisk
(’*’) can be used as a wildcard in
a place of any ONE number, so
*.*.*.* matches any IP.
smsbox-port (c) port-number
This is the port number to which
the smsboxes, if any, connect. As
with admin-port, this can be
anything you want. Must be set if
you want to handle any SMS
smsbox-port-ssl (o) bool
If set to true, the smsbox
connection module will be
SSL-enabled. Your smsboxes
will have to connect using SSL
to the bearerbox then. This is
used to secure communication
between bearerbox and smsboxes
in case they are in seperate
networks operated and the TCP
communication is not secured on
a lower network layer. Defaults
to "no".
wapbox-port (c) port-number
Like smsbox-port, but for
wapbox-connections. If not set,
Kannel cannot handle WAP
wapbox-port-ssl (o) bool
If set to true, the wapbox
connection module will be
SSL-enabled. Your wapboxes
will have to connect using SSL
to the bearerbox then. This is
used to secure communication
between bearerbox and
wapboxes in case they are in
seperate networks operated and
the TCP communication is not
secured on a lower network
layer. Defaults to "no".