Chapter 5. Setting up a SMS Gateway
phonenumber = 013456789
bearer = data
calltype = analog
connection = cont
pppsecurity = off
authentication = normal
login = wapusr
secret = thepasswd
And a ’sendsms-user’ to use with it. With concatenation enabled:
group = sendsms-user
username = otauser
password = foo
max-messages = 2
concatenation = 1
Table 5-14. OTA Bookmark Group Variables
Variable Value Description
group ota-bookmark This is a mandatory variable
ota-id string
An optional name or id for the
ota-bookmark. Any string is
acceptable, but semicolon ’;’
may cause problems, so avoid it
and any other special
non-alphabet characters.
url URL
The address of the HTTP server
for your WAP services, i.e.
name string Description of the service
A sample ’ota-bookmark’ group:
group = ota-bookmark
ota-id = wap-link
url = "http://wap.company.com"
service = "Our company’s WAP site"
And a ’sendsms-user’ to use with it, with the same conditions as for the ’ota-setting’ group.
Setting up more complex services
The basic service system is very limited - it can only answer to original requester and it cannot send UDH
data, for example. This chapter explains some more sophisticated and complex SMS service setups.