Chapter 5. Setting up a SMS Gateway
group = smsc
smsc = cimd
host =
port = 600
smsc-username = foo
smsc-password = bar
The driver for CIMD2 is a "receiving SME" and expects the SMSC to be configured for that. It also
expects the SMSC to automatically send stored messages as soon as Kannel logs in (this is the normal
group = smsc
smsc = cimd2
host =
port = 600
smsc-username = foo
smsc-password = bar
keepalive = 5
sender-prefix = "12345"
Variable Value Description
host (m) hostname
Machine that runs the SMSC.
As IP ( or
hostname (their.machine.here)
port (m) port-number
Port number in the smsc host
smsc-username (m) string
Username in the SMSC
machine/connection account
smsc-password (m) string
Password in the SMSC machine
needed to contact SMSC
keepalive number
SMSC connection will not be
left idle for longer than this many
minutes. The right value to use
depends on how eager the SMSC
is to close idle connections. 5
minutes is a good guess. If you
see many unexplained
reconnects, try lowering this
value. Set it to 0 to disable this