
Motion Control Modules Section 4-2
Broadly speaking, the user program consists of a cyclic task and interrupt
tasks, which are executed for interrupts. The cyclic task is executed every
cycle. The user program is stored in RAM and flash memory. Data is not lost,
therefore, even if the super capacitor backup time is exceeded.
I/O Memory I/O memory is the area accessed by the user program and the CX-Program-
mer. Part of I/O Memory Area is cleared and part of it is retained when the
power is turned OFF and ON again.
I/O memory is also divided into an area that exchanges data with other Motion
Control Modules and an area that is used for internal processing.
System Setup The System Setup contains software switches used to make initial settings
and other settings for the Motion Control Module. Addresses are allocated for
the settings in the System Setup, but these addresses can normally be
ignored when making the settings, because the settings follow CX-Program-
mer menus.
The System Setup is stored in RAM and flash memory, so the data is not lost
even if the super capacitor backup time is exceeded.
Read/Write DM Area
(D00000 to D32767)
The Read/Write DM Area can be accessed from the user program.
D00000 to D29999 is cleared when the power is turned OFF and ON again.
D30000 to D32767 is retained for a set period by the super capacitor. The
data is lost when the super capacitor backup time has been exceeded.
4-2-3 Motion Control Module Operation
Operation between the Coordinator Module and the Motion Control Modules
can be set to synchronous (“Sync”) or asynchronous (“Async”) modes using a
setting in the System Setup of the Coordinator Module.
System Setup Using CX-Programmer
ASync Mode Operation In ASync Mode, scan processing by the Motion Control Modules is not syn-
chronized with the Coordinator Module. Motion Control Module built-in I/O
refreshing is executed within the scan cycle in the Motion Control Module. I/O
refreshing with the Coordinator Module is determined by the Coordinator
Module and is executed asynchronously to the Motion Control Module scan
Synchronous Data Link Bit Area refreshing is not executed in ASync Mode.
Tab page Item Settings
Module Settings Synchronization between
• Sync Mode
• ASync Mode