
System Setup, Auxiliary Area Allocations, and Built-in I/O Allocations Appendix C
A610 00 High-speed
counter 1 com-
mand bits
Start Bit OFF: Stops counter operation. The counter PV will be maintained.
ON: Starts counter operation. The counter PV will not be reset.
01 Reset Bit OFF: If a software reset is set in the System Setup, the counter PV
will not be reset when internal I/O is refreshed in the Motion Con-
trol Module. If a phase Z + software reset is set, disables the phase
Z input.
ON: If a software reset is set in the System Setup, resets the
counter PV to 0 when internal I/O is refreshed in the Motion Control
Module. If a phase Z + software reset is set, enables the phase Z
02 Measurement
Start Bit
OFF: Disables measuring changes in counter PV or the counter
ON: Starts measuring changes in counter PV or the counter fre-
Note Measuring the high-speed counter frequency is possible only
for high-speed counter 1.
Note Valid when Counter Data Display in System Setup is set to
Counter Movements (mode 1) or Frequency (mode 2).
03 Measurement
Direction Bit
mode 2)
OFF: Forward (up)
ON: Reverse (down)
This bit specifies the up/down direction of the pulse input for fre-
quency measurement.
Note Always set this bit before turning ON the Measurement Start
04 Range Com-
parison Results
Clear Bit
OFF: Does not clear the execution results (A612) or output bit pat-
tern (A613) from CTBL(882) execution for range comparison for
the counter.
ON: Clears the execution results (A612) or output bit pattern
(A613) from CTBL(882) execution for range comparison for the
05 Absolute Off-
set Preset Bit
OFF: Does not preset the offset.
OFF to ON: Stores the number of multi-turns read from the Servo
Driver and the number of initial incremental pulses as an offset in
the Absolute Offset value in the System Setup.
When establishing the machine origin, the position from the abso-
lute encoder origin is set as the Absolute Offset in the System
Setup as the machine origin.
06 Absolute
Present Value
Preset Bit
OFF: Disables the absolute present value preset.
OFF to ON: Stores the Absolute PV in the counter 1 PV (A600 and
Note Refer to 7-7-6 Absolute Present Value for details on the
absolute PV.
07 Absolute Num-
ber of Rota-
tions Read Bit
OFF: Disables reading the number of rotations data from the Servo
OFF to ON: Outputs the SEN output to the Servo Driver and
receives the number of rotations data on the phase A input.
08 Latch Input 1
Enable Bit
OFF: Disables the external latch input 1 signal.
ON: Enables the external latch input 1 signal.
09 Latch Input 2
Enable Bit
OFF: Disables the external latch input 2 signal.
ON: Enables the external latch input 2 signal.
10 to 15 Reserved ---
Address Bits Name Function Controlled