Functions for Servo Drivers Compatible with Absolute Encoders Section 7-7
: Absolute offset
Note With an absolute circular counter, the absolute number of rotations present
value (A604/A605) is not used; only the initial incremental pulses are used.
The initial incremental pulses are the data of an amount treated as the angle
from an origin.
7-7-7 Absolute Present Value Preset
The absolute encoder's state (absolute number of rotations PV (in A604 and
A605) and the number of initial incremental pulses (in A600 and A601)) can
be reflected in high-speed counter present value 1 (A600 and A601). This
function is enabled by turning ON the Absolute Present Value Preset Bit
(A610.06). The absolute present value is stored in High-speed Counter
Present Value 1 (A600 and A601). Additionally, absolute present values vary
depending on the counter operation. See 7-7-6 Absolute Present Value for
7-7-8 Absolute Offset Preset
The present value to be defined as an origin is obtained from the absolute
number of rotations present value (A604 and A605) at the time and the num-
ber of initial incremental pulses. The value can be stored in the absolute offset
(System Setup parameter). The value read from an absolute encoder at the
time is defined as a machine (application) origin. This function is executed by
turning ON the Absolute Offset Preset Bit (A610.05).
Absolute encoder's
Absolute Present Value
Reference position
(Absolute offset position)