
Coordinator Module Section 4-1
4-1 Coordinator Module
The FQM1 Coordinator Module and each Motion Control Module have sepa-
rate ladder programming. Each Module independently processes the ladder
programming, I/O, and peripheral servicing to achieve high-speed I/O
response somewhat like a system of multiple CPU Units.
4-1-1 Outline
The Coordinator Module mainly manages FQM1 operation and performs
peripheral servicing. It has 24 general-purpose I/O, a peripheral port, RS-
232C port, and RS-422 port. The following diagram shows the internal struc-
ture of the Coordinator Module.
User Program The CX-Programmer (see note) is used to create the user programs, which
are transferred to the Coordinator Module via the peripheral port. The user
programs includes a cyclic task, which is executed once per cycle, and inter-
rupt tasks, which are executed at synchronous data refresh. The cyclic task is
executed every cycle.
Instructions written in a program are executed in order from the beginning of
the program, and these instructions are used to read from and write to I/O
memory. Once the cyclic task has been completed, cyclic refreshing with the
Motion Control Modules is executed, and then the cyclic task is executed
again (cyclic scan method).
Note Install the FQM1 Patch Software for CX-Programmer Ver. 5.0. CX-Program-
mer Ver. 4.0 or earlier cannot be used. Refer to 8-1 CX-Programmer for
I/O Memory I/O memory is the RAM memory area accessed by the user programs. Part of
I/O memory area is cleared and part of the memory area is retained when the
power is turned OFF and ON again.
I/O memory is also divided into an area that exchanges data with the Motion
Control Modules and an area that is used for internal processing.
Coordinator Module
User program
Cyclic task
I/O memory
Flash memory
PLC Set-
up and
other pa-