Programming Appendix A
• Input Instructions (Logical Starts and Intermediate Instructions): The instruction reads bit status,
makes comparisons, tests bits, or perform other types of processing every cycle and will output an
OFF execution condition (power flow stops) when results switch from OFF to ON. The execution condi-
tion will turn ON the next cycle.
• Downwardly Differentiated Instructions (Instruction preceded by %)
• Output instructions: The instruction is executed only during the cycle in which the input condition
turned OFF (ON
→ OFF) and is not executed in the following cycles.
• Input Instructions (Logical Starts and Intermediate Instructions): The instruction reads bit status,
makes comparisons, tests bits, or perform other types of processing every cycle and will output the
execution condition (power flow) when results switch from ON to OFF. The execution condition will turn
OFF the next cycle.
Note Unlike the upwardly differentiated instructions, downward differentiation variation (%) can be
added only to LD, AND, OR, SET and RSET instructions. To execute downward differentiation
with other instructions, combine the instructions with a DIFD instruction.
• Input Instructions (Logical Starts and Intermediate Instructions): The instruction reads bit status,
makes comparisons, tests bits, or perform other types of processing every cycle and will output an
OFF execution condition (power flow stops) when results switch from ON to OFF. The execution condi-
tion will turn ON the next cycle.
Upwardly differentiated input instruction
OFF execution condition created for one
cycle only when CIO 0001.03 goes from
OFF to ON.
Executes the SET instruction once when
CIO 0001.02 goes ON to OFF.
(%) Downwardly dif-
ferentiated instruction
Downwardly differentiated instruction
Will turn ON when the CIO 0001.03
switches from ON → OFF and will turn
OFF after one cycle.
Downwardly differentiated input instruction
OFF execution condition created for one
cycle only when CIO 0001.03 goes from
ON to OFF.