Pulse Inputs Section 7-5
Monitoring High-speed
Counter Movement
(Mode 1)
This function monitors the change in a high-speed counter’s PV (travel dis-
tance) regularly at the preset sampling period. The sampling period can be
set between 1 and 9,999 ms.
If the sampling time is set to 0, the change will be sampled once each cycle.
The change in the high-speed counter PV (travel distance) is stored in A604
and A605 (high-speed counter 1) or A606 and A607 (high-speed counter 2).
Status Flags A608.06 and A609.06 can be checked to determine whether or
not change is being measured.
Note (1) The change (per sampling period) is refreshed during the Motion Control
Module’s I/O refreshing.
(2) The change in the high-speed counter PV’s is output as an absolute val-
The pulse input’s counter data display must be set to counter movements
(mode 1) in the System Setup in advance. The sampling period must also be
set in the System Setup.
Word Bits Function Details
A604 and
00 to 15 High-speed Counter 1
Monitor Data
Contains the change in high-speed
counter 1.
The change in the high-speed
counter PV during the specified sam-
pling period is stored in 8-digit hexa-
decimal (0000 0000 to FFFF FFFF).
A606 and
00 to 15 High-speed Counter 2
Monitor Data
Contains the change in high-speed
counter 2.
The change in the high-speed
counter PV during the specified sam-
pling period is stored in 8-digit hexa-
decimal (0000 0000 to FFFF FFFF).
A608 06 High-speed Counter 1
Status Flag
Measuring Flag
OFF: The high-speed counter move-
ment measurement operation
is stopped.
ON: The high-speed counter move-
ment is being measured.
A609 06 High-speed Counter 2
Status Flag
Measuring Flag
OFF: The high-speed counter move-
ment measurement operation
is stopped.
ON: The high-speed counter move-
ment is being measured.
Tab page Function Details
Pulse input Counter 1 Counter data
1 hex:
Counter movements (mode 1)
Sampling time
(mode 1)
Set the sampling time when mea-
suring counter movement.
0000: Cycle time
0001 to 270F hex: 1 to 9999 ms
(unit: 1 ms)
Counter 2 Counter data
1 hex:
Counter movements (mode 1)
Sampling time
(mode 1)
Set the sampling time when mea-
suring counter movement.
0000: Cycle time
0001 to 270F hex: 1 to 9999 ms
(unit: 1 ms)