1-2SectionFunctions of the NT31/NT31C
Screen data can be checked simply by operations at the NT31/NT31C system
menu, without connecting up to the Support Tool.
The data capacity of 1 MB is twice that of the NT30/NT30C, enabling storage of a
larger quantity of screen data.
The number of elements that can be registered on one screen has been consid-
erably increased, making it possible to create more expressive screens. For de-
tails, refer to Display Restrictions in Appendix A Specifications of the
NT31/NT31C/NT631/NT631C Programmable Terminal Reference Manual.
It is now possible to write binary data stored in words at the host directly to the
NT31/NT31C. This makes data conversion by a program at the host unneces-
sary, reducing the load on the host.
Any quadrupled characters are displayed with a 32 dot high-definition font.
By using the system installer supplied with the Support Tool (Type NT-
ZJCAT1-EV4), the system program at the NT31/NT31C can be changed easily
from a personal computer.
The NT31/NT31C meets UL/CSA standards and EC directives.
Compatible with Sequencers in the following series: Mitsubishi A-series (Calcu-
lator Link) and FX-series (Programming Console), Allen-Bradley SLC 500 Se-
ries, GE Fanuc 90-20 and 90-30 Series, and Siemens S7-300 and S7-400 Se-
ries. Specialized system programs can be installed that allow the NT31/NT31C
to be controlled from other companies’ Sequencers.
Up to 3 windows can be displayed simultaneously in the normal screen. A
9-word window control area has been allocated to the host; the contents of these
9 words can be changed from the Host to open, close, and move windows.
1-2-2 Comparison between NT31 and NT31C
Two NT31 models — the NT31, which is capable of versatile graphic displays,
and the NT31C, which is also capable of color display — are available. The dif-
ferences between the NT31 and NT31C are tabled below:
Function NT31 NT31C
Type NT31-ST121-EV2 (Beige)
NT31-ST121B-EV2 (Black)
NT31C-ST141-EV2 (Beige)
NT31C-ST141B-EV2 (Black)
Display panel STN monochrome LCD display
type (with white backlight)
STN color LCD type
(with white backlight)
Beige and black are the front panel colors of each NT31/NT31C types.
Screen Data Check
Increased Screen Data
Large Increase in
Maximum Number of
Registered Elements
Binary Data can be Read
to/Written from the Host
Character Display Using
High Definition Fonts
Simple Version Upgrades
Complies with
International Standards
Compatible with Other
Vendors’ Devices
Multiple Windows