Chapter 6 : Personal information 111
The Palm Facebook app allows you to make a status comment, view and
respond to friends’ comments, and attach a photo to your status. Before you
begin, download the Facebook app from the App Catalog. It’s free (see
Download a free application).
1 Open Facebook .
2 Do any of the following:
• Show new posts: If you see Show new posts at the top of your
Facebook page, tap it to show new comments.
• Update your status: Type a comment, and then tap Share.
• Add a photo to your status: Type a comment, tap Attach, choose a
photo or take a new one, tap Attach Photo, and then tap Share.
• Add a comment to a post: Tap , tap (optional), type your
comment, and then tap .
• Comment on a photo: Tap the photo, tap , type your comment,
and then tap .
DID YOU KNOW? Besides using this Facebook application to post your status
and keep up with your friends' status, you can add your Facebook contacts and
calendar events to your phone (see Use Contacts for the first time and Use
Calendar for the first time); you can upload photos to Facebook (see Upload a
picture to the web); and you can access facebook.com in the Web application (see
Go to a website).