Chapter 2 : Basics 43
4 Open My Computer (Windows XP), Computer (Windows Vista/
Windows 7), or the Finder (Mac), double-click the drive representing
your phone, and drag and drop files to your phone. The drive displays
folders that you can use to organize the files you copy. You can also
create your own folders.
NOTE If you copy ringtones to your phone, be sure to place them in the
ringtones folder on your phone’s USB drive.
5 On a Windows computer, to end the connection safely, right-click the
drive representing your phone and click Eject. On a Mac computer,
from your desktop, drag the drive representing your phone to the
Tras h. Trash changes to Eject.
6 Disconnect the USB cable from the computer when the USB drive
screen is no longer displayed on your phone.
Copy music, photos, and videos using third-party software
Besides using USB Drive mode to copy your photos, videos, and DRM-free
music from your computer to your phone, you can also use solutions
available from third-party software developers (sold separately) that
facilitate the transfer of media files to your phone. For more information,
open the browser on your computer and go to palm.com/sync-solutions.
Sync personal data using third-party software
You can set up online accounts like Google and Exchange to sync your
contacts (see How do I add names and other info into Contacts?) and
calendar events (see How do I get events into Calendar?).
If, however, you prefer to leave your personal data on your computer and
sync it directly with the data on your phone, there are third-party solutions
(sold separately) available to enable you to do that. For more information, go
to palm.com/sync-solutions.
Delete files from your phone
Use USB Drive mode to delete files from your phone. You can delete any file
you added to your phone, whether you copied it from a computer,
downloaded it from an email message, and so on.
1 Connect your phone to your computer using the USB cable. Windows:
If Found New Hardware messages appear on your computer, cancel
2 On your phone, tap USB Drive.
3 On your computer, open the drive representing your phone.
4 Use your computer's controls to navigate to and delete the files.
5 Windows: When you're ready to disconnect, right-click the drive
representing your phone and click Eject.
Mac: From your desktop, drag the drive representing your phone to the
Tras h. Trash changes to Eject.
6 Disconnect the USB cable from the computer when the USB Drive
screen is no longer displayed on your phone.
KEY TERM DRM-free: Describes a file that is not protected by Digital Rights
Management. DRM-free files can be copied as many times as you like and can be
played on your Pre Plus phone.