
122 Chapter 7 : Photos, videos, and music
You can also listen to streaming music from the web directly in the web
browser (see Web).
You can play music that you copy from your computer or stream from the
web in the following formats: MP3, AAC, or AAC+ format. You can play
music that you receive as an email attachment if it is in the MP3, AAC,
AAC+, WAV, or AMR format. You can play music that you receive in a
multimedia message or that you buy from Amazon MP3 in the MP3 format.
1 Open Music .
2 If the Music application finds no music files on your phone, tap one of
the following:
Get My Music: Read information about how to get music on your
Amazon MP3: Open the Amazon MP3 application to buy songs (see
Amazon MP3).
3 Do one of the following:
Listen to all songs on your phone: Tap Shuffle All.
Listen to a specific song: Tap Artists, Albums, Songs, Genres, or
Playlists to search that category. Continue making selections until
the song you want appears. Tap the song name.
Listen to all songs from an artist: Tap Artists and tap the artist name.
To listen to the artist’s songs in the order they are displayed
onscreen, tap the first song. The songs play one after the other in
sequence. To listen to the songs in random order, tap Shuffle All.
Listen to an album: Tap Albums and tap the album name. To listen
to the album’s songs in the order they are displayed onscreen, tap
the first song. The songs play one after the other in sequence. To
listen to songs in random order, tap Shuffle All.
Listen to all songs in a genre: Tap Genres and tap the genre name.
To listen to the songs in the order they are displayed onscreen, tap
the first song. The songs play one after the other in sequence. To
listen to the songs in random order, tap Shuffle All.
Browse a music store to preview or purchase songs (if available): Tap
the music store name. Continue making selections until the song you
want appears. Tap the song name.
KEY TERM DRM-free: Describes a file that is not protected by Digital Rights
Management. DRM-free music files can be copied as many times as you like and
can be played on your Pre Plus phone.