ABA. See Address Book archive files
Accented characters, Graffiti 2 writing 30
Account. See E-mail account
Add/Remove Programs icon 76
Add-on applications 68–75
Address Book
*If Found Call* entry 79
adding custom fields 85
adding e-mail address from 231
adding entry from e-mail 258–259
archive files (.aba) 38
business card for beaming 34
categorizing records 55
conduit for synchronizing 354
creating records 50
deleting records 52
displaying category 85
displaying data in the Address list 80
finding records 20–60
fonts 66
menus 83
notes for records 65
opening 77
overview 77
private records 435
sorting records 63
using to address e-mail 231
Addressing e-mail
displaying another address 187, 194,
201, 290
message 230–233
using Smart Addressing 232
Addressing SMS messages 160
Advanced VersaMail preferences 255
Agenda (Date Book view) 106
indicator light 13
LED 13, 387, 388
lists 67
preset 109
setting in Date Book 100
setting in Note Pad 134
setting in Voice Memo 313
setting in World Clock 349
sound 109, 214, 350, 387, 452
Vibrate setting 387, 388
Alerting for new mail 213
Graffiti 2 writing 27
onscreen keyboard 18
adding to an account 288, 291, 293
and synchronization 263
requirement 181, 287
Application buttons 12, 41, 78, 95, 111, 131,
171, 421
Address Book 77
beaming 33–35
Calculator 87
Card Info 91
categories 44–45
Date Book 95
Dialer 111
downloading 322
Expense 119
font style 66
installing 68–74
Launcher 41–45
Memo Pad 127
Note Pad 131
opening 42
Palm Photos 137
Phone Link 149
plug-in 418
preferences for 50
removing 75
sending data from 166
size in kilobytes 465
SMS 159