
Chapter 4 Working with Applications
To look up an Address Book record with the stylus:
1. From the Address list screen, enter the first letter of the name you want to find.
The list scrolls to the first entry that begins with that letter. If you write another
letter, the list scrolls to the first entry that starts with those two letters. For
example, writing an s scrolls to “Sands,” and writing sm scrolls further to
“Smith.” If you sort the list by company name, the Look Up feature scrolls to the
first letter of the company name.
2. Tap the record to view its contents.
Using Find
You can use Find to locate any text that you specify, in any application that resides
on your handheld. Find does not search applications that reside on an expansion
To use Find:
1. Tap the Find icon .
TIP If you select text in an application before you tap Find, the selected text
automatically appears in the Find dialog box.
2. Enter the text that you want to find.
Find is not case sensitive. For example, searching for the name “davidson” also
finds “Davidson.”
Find locates any words that begin with the text you enter. For example,
searching for “plane” finds “planet” but not “airplane.”
Look Up line