
applications 44
records 63–64, 453
Sounds & Alerts preferences 386–388
Sounds. See Alarm and System sounds
Speed of image downloading 336
SSL. See Secure Sockets Layer
Starting applications 42
Stopping a download 323
dragging with 17
pen stroke to activate a feature 422
tapping with 17
Sunday, to start week 383
for currency 122
in Graffiti 2 writing 30
account, creating 189–196
connection 179
an existing username 178
IMAP folders 300
Synchronizing e-mail 276–277
account information screens 271
active accounts 277
e-mail applications for 262
HotSync operation 261
logging errors 260
setting how many days 265
shortcuts 272
SSL and 278
synchronizing multiple accounts 278
turn off synchronization 277
conduit 354
sounds 387
Tab delimited files, importing data from 38
Tapping 17
TCP/IP 404, 419
TDA (To Do List archive file) 38
Technical Support 449, 465
copying 52
copying and pasting in e-mail 296
cutting 52
entry. See Entering data
files, importing data from 38, 39
fonts for 66
selecting all 52
size setting in Web Browser Pro 334
Thousands separator 383
alarm setting 100
Daylight Saving settings and
options 347–348
format 383
setting current 345, 382
setting event 96
start and end for Date Book Day
view 109
Time Zone 347
Tips, online 19
To Do List
adding Address Book data to
records 61–62
archive files (.tda) 38
categorizing records 55, 175
checking off items 173
completed items 175
completion date 175
conduit for synchronizing 354
creating records 50
deleting records 52, 102
due date 174, 175
fonts 66
menus 176
notes for records 65
opening 171
overview 171
prioritizing records 172, 175
private records 435
purging records 54, 175
sorting records 63
viewing task reminders 215
To field 231
Today. See Current date
Transmitting data. See Beaming, information
and Sending, data using Bluetooth
Trash 164
automatically emptying 255
creating other folders 228
emptying deleted e-mail 254–255
setting frequency in preferences 255