Operating Instructions
The aspect ratio is incorrect. • When you enlarge an image frame, maintain
the aspect ration when selecting cells.
→ Follow the instruction message.
Enlarged cells may not overlap. • You cannot select an already enlarged cell.
→ Follow the instruction message.
This color has already been set.
Select a different color.
→ Follow the instruction message.
This color has already been set.
Select a different color.
→ Follow the instruction message.
Recorded Images
This color has already been set.
Select a different color.
→ Follow the instruction message.
Operation Support
To execute restore program, exit
this program. If the program is
exited, the camera stops
recording, and the timer does not
work. Do you exit this program,
and execute restore program?
• This program and the restore program cannot
execute simultaneously.
→ Follow the instruction message.
The restore program stopped
processing at the following image.
Please execute the restore
program again.
[Folder] ***
[Date] mm/dd/yyyy
→ Follow the instruction message.
Failed to get the result from the
recording-capacity database.
Try again after a while.
→ Follow the instruction message.
Message Cause and Remedy