Operating Instructions
Rearranging Multi-Playback Images Order (for four-screen layout
You can rearrange the order by dragging an image and dropping it at the desired
location on the multi-playback page.
The method for rearranging the images is same as on the multi-monitoring page
(see page 82).
The order of the images on the multi-playback page returns to the original order
after you restart this software.
Text display Select the check box to display the camera name, the frame
rate and the recording time on the multi-playback page.
You can also set the text color.
Focus and selected
frame width/color
You can change the width and color of the frames for the focus
camera and selected cameras. Specify the colors for each
frame respectively. The defaults are frame width: 3, focus
frame: Red and selected frame: Blue.
Specify the frame
Select the check box to refresh the image on the multi-playback
page at the specified interval as the maximum frame rate.
[1 frame/1 second to 1 frame/10 seconds, 2 frames/1 second
to 5 frames/1 second, 10 frames/1 second to 30 frames/1
second (per 5 frames). Default is 2 frames/1 second]
Setting Description