1.15 Optional Device Features
102 Feature Guide
1.15.3 Doorbell/Door Chime
Extension users can choose how their telephones receive doorphone calls, by selecting to hear ringing, a
chime, or both, provided a doorbell/door chime connected to a door opener is connected to the PBX. They
can recognise which doorphone is ringing by selecting a different doorphone chime pattern for each
[Programming Example]
In order for an extension connected to extension jack 01 (extension 101) to be able to receive a doorphone
call from a doorbell/door chime connected to Relay 2, programme as follows:
In this example
When a visitor presses the Call button of Doorphone 2:
– A doorbell/door chime, connected to Relay 2, chimes with Pattern 2.
– Because Doorphone Ring/Chime is set to "Chime", extension 101 does not ring.
– The extension user who is allowed to receive a call from Doorphone 2 can answer the doorphone
call by going off-hook within a preprogrammed time period ( Doorphone Ring Time [708]). If the
user is allowed to unlock the door ( Door Opener—Day/Night/Lunch [703-705]), he or she can
then unlock the door by entering the Door Open feature number.
– If the called extension is busy and has set Call Waiting, the extension user hears a call waiting tone
and the call information flashes on the display.
• Hardware Requirement: A user-supplied doorbell/door chime connected to each door opener.
Installation Manual References
2.7 Connecting Doorbell or Door Chime
Feature Guide References
4.2.1 Tones/Ring Tones
Programming Doorphone
Doorphone Ringing*
Enable (extn. 101) Enable (extn. 101)
Doorphone Ring/Chime*
Chime Chime
Doorphone Chime Assignment*
Relay 2 Relay 2
Doorphone Chime Pattern*
Pattern 1 Pattern 2
Doorphone Ringing—Day/Night/Lunch [700-702]
Doorphone Ring/Chime [710]
Doorphone Chime Assignment [711]
Doorphone Chime Pattern [712]