1.5 Making Call Features
Feature Guide 47 Host PBX Access Code (Access Code to the Telephone
Company from a Host PBX)
This PBX can be installed behind an existing host PBX. This is performed by connecting extension jacks of
the host PBX to outside (CO) line ports of this PBX. A Host PBX Access code, assigned through system
programming ( Host PBX Access Code [403]), is required to access the telephone company from the host
PBX. The Outside (CO) Line Access number (9/0
, or 81 through 83) of the host PBX should be stored as
a Host PBX Access code for each outside (CO) line of this PBX. A pause of a preprogrammed length (
Pause Time [417]) will be automatically inserted after the user-dialled Host PBX Access code.
In this example, "0" should be assigned as the Host PBX Access code for outside (CO) line 1 of this
For New Zealand, the Automatic Line Access number may be either 1 or 9.
Dials "9-0-01-23-4567".
Automatic Line
Access No.
Telephone No.
Host PBX
Access Code
Outside Party
Extn. 101 Extn. 102
Outside (CO)
line 1
Telephone Company
Host PBX
Dials "9-101".
Automatic Line
Access No.: 9
Automatic Line
Access No.
Extn. No.
of the Host PBX
Dials "0-01-23-4567".
Host PBX
Access Code
Host PBX Access Code
for PBX, or Automatic Line
Access No. for Host PBX: 0