1.13 Conference Features
Feature Guide 97 Conference
An extension user can establish a conference call. The following Conference features are available:
• Conference call arrangement
The following configurations of 3-party or 5-party conference calls are possible at the same time
through system programming ( Conference Pattern [116]):
– 3-party conference calls between 3 extensions: Up to 3
– 3-party conference calls between one extension and 2 outside parties: Up to 4
– 3-party conference calls between 2 extensions and one outside party: Up to 4
– 5-party conference call with up to 3 extensions when using Voice Mail Inband (DTMF) Integration,
with up to 4 extensions when not using Voice Mail Inband (DTMF) Integration, or with a
combination of extensions and up to 2 outside parties: One
• Conference Button
On a PT that does not have a CONF (Conference) button, a flexible CO button can be customised as
a Conference button.
• Consultation Hold
When an extension user tries to establish a conference call, the current call is automatically placed on
consultation hold until the conference is established (
1.12.5 Consultation Hold).
[3-party Conference]
• A confirmation tone will be sent to all parties when a 2-party conference call is changed to a 3-party
conference call. It is possible to eliminate the tone through system programming (
Conference Tone
• Unattended Conference Recall
The duration of unattended conferences is restricted by a system timer ( CO-to-CO Line Call
Duration [205]).
A ring tone or an alarm tone is heard at the conference originator's extension 50 seconds before the
timer expires.
A warning tone starts to be heard by parties in the unattended conference 15 seconds before the timer
If the originator returns to the conference before the unattended conference call is disconnected, the
Feature Description
3-party Conference During a 2-party conversation, an extension user can add a third party to
the conversation, thereby establishing a 3-party conference call.
Unattended Conference:
The proprietary telephone (PT) user who originated a conference with 2
outside parties can leave the conference and allow the other parties to
continue the conversation. The user may return to the conference at any
time, if he or she desires.
5-party Conference A PT user can establish a 3-party to 5-party conference call by entering
the 5-party Conference feature number.