Symptom Cause/solution Reference pages
• Is the SSL encryption method different from that of
the camera?
Select “HTTP” (Do not select “HTTPS”) for
“HTTPS” - “Connection” on the “Network” page - the
[Network] tab, and access the camera again.
• Did you access “http://” while using the HTTPS
To use the HTTPS function, access “https://”. It is
also necessary to enter the port number.
Cannot access the camera
from a mobile terminal.
• Is the URL correct? Or is “/cam” missing at the end
of the URL?
Check if the URL is entered correctly. When
accessing the camera from a mobile terminal, it is
necessary to enter “/cam” at the end of the URL that
is used for the camera access from a PC.
• Is the SSL encryption method different from that of
the camera?
Select “HTTP” (Do not select “HTTPS”) for
“HTTPS” - “Connection” on the “Network” page - the
[Network] tab, and access the camera again.
• Did you access “http://” while using the HTTPS
To use the HTTPS function, access “https://”. It is
also necessary to enter the port number.
A cookie error was displayed
when performing user
registration for
• Is the web browser configured to allow cookies?
Configure the web browser to allow cookies. In
Internet Explorer, from [Tools] select [Internet
Options] and configure the cookies setting in the
[Privacy] tab.
User registration for the
“Viewnetcam.com” service
• Is the registered e-mail address correct?
When an e-mail with the “Viewnetcam.com” website
link is not received, the registered e-mail address
may be incorrect. Visit the “Viewnetcam.com”
website (http://www.viewnetcam.com/) to register
the correct e-mail address.
Cannot obtain images on the
SD memory card.
• Is “Allow” selected for “FTP access to camera” on
the [Network] tab of “Network” page?
It is necessary in advance to select “Allow” for “FTP
access to camera” on the [Network] tab of the
“Network” page.
• Is the entered password correct?
Restart the web browser and enter the password
• Access to the SD memory card may be failed.
Restart the web browser and retry to obtain images.
234 Operating Instructions
23 Troubleshooting