COMSPHERE 6800 Series Network Management System
2-170 January 1997 6800-A2-GB31-20
Software version
The software version of the device.
The 2296A modems report the dialing protocol and error correcting option they are using
along with the software version number. An H indicates the modem is using the Hayese
dialing protocol. An M indicates the modem is using the Microcom Networking Protocol
(MNPe) for error correcting.
If an H or M does not appear with the software version number, the Hayes dialing
protocol or the MNP error correcting is not being used.
The number of configured ports and the port speed.
Page 1 for COMSPHERE 3800 Series DDD Devices
Figure 2-57 is a sample results form for COMSPHERE 3800 DDD devices.
Figure 2-57. Identity Results Form for COMSPHERE 3800 DDD
Refer to Page 1 for 3800 Series DDD Devices for a description of the fields.