COMSPHERE 6800 Series Network Management System
2-12 January 1997 6800-A2-GB31-20
Date(s) included
Enter a starting date and an ending date for call statistics information to be
The valid format for the starting date is mm/dd/yy. The default is the previous
day’s date.
The valid format for the ending date is mm/dd/yy. The default is the previous
day’s date.
An error message displays if the specified start and end dates result in an invalid
range of dates. There are three possible errors, as follows:
• The start date is less than the earliest available date.
• The end date is greater than the latest available date.
• The start date is greater than the end date.
Call detail available from (Display field)
Displays the earliest call detail record found in the database.
Call detail available until (Display field)
Displays the latest call detail record found in the database.
Day(s) included
Enter the days of the week for which this report will be generated. Valid entries
are one or more individual days (mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat, sun); a range of
days (e.g., mon-thu); or the keyword all. The default is all.
Sort sequence
Specify up to two different sort keys, which will determine how the call detail
information is displayed in the report output. (To ensure the report runs
efficiently, make sure local_device is first in the list of sorting keys.) Defaults
are local_device and connect_time. Valid entries are
Records are grouped according to the device name of the local
3800 Series device participating in the call.
Records are grouped according to the device name of the remote
3800 Series device participating in the call. (Note: this information may
not be available in all cases.)