COMSPHERE 6800 Series Network Management System
2-4 January 1997 6800-A2-GB31-20
Abort type (Required field)
Enter the type of abort:
All tests running on the specified device and all of its downstream devices are
All tests running on the specified device are aborted; tests running on
downstream devices are not affected. This option can be selected only for
COMSPHERE devices in the Advanced Diagnostic protocol (ADp) mode.
A pop-up menu is available listing valid selections.
Abort Command Results Form
This results form displays device information for each device specified by the user in the input
form, and the type of abort (subnetwork or selective) that was sent.
A results form that reports the abort command as successfully
executed indicates only that the device acknowledged its receipt of
the command. It does not guarantee that the tests or any
commands in progress at the time the command was issued were
actually aborted. If a test has already completed at the device
before the abort command arrives, the NMS will report both the
results of the completed test and that the abort was successfully
executed (command receipt acknowledged by the device).