Daily Maintenance Daily and Weekly Maintenance
– 50 –
9. Storage Compartment—all loose
items stowed securely. Is the fire
extinguisher fully charged? Is your
road emergency kit complete?
Compartments closed?
10. Fuel—check fuel. Is there enough
NOTE: The above items
(Engine Compartment, Chas-
sis and Cab, and Prestart
Checks) should be checked
daily, as a minimum. They are
in addition to, not in place of
Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Regulations. These regula-
tions may be purchased by
writing to:
Superintendent of Documents
U.S. Government Printing Office
Washington, DC 20402
Daily Maintenance
Front Access Panel
To Open
The hinged front panel can be unlocked
by pushing the release control side-
ways. The front access panel can then
be swung up and secured in position
with the support stay.
To Close
To close the front access panel, release
and stow the support stay and lower the
front panel into position. Gently push
each lower corner of the front access
panel until the internal locks are heard
to engage.
Engine Oil Level
1. The vehicle must be parked on flat
and level ground.
2. Pull the dipstick (1) out of the dip-
stick tube and wipe it clean with a
lint-free cloth.
3. Place the dipstick completely back
in the dipstick tube.
4. Withdraw the dipstick again and
check the oil level; the oil level
should always be between the two
marks on the dipstick.
PB1340A.book Page 50 Friday, September 1, 2000 7:40 AM