NOTE: The installer should be familiar with the Allegiant CCTV
control system and Windows-based software, and have a general
knowledge of networking.
4.1 DVR Configuration (See DVR manual)
Configure each DVR with a unique IP address
• Ensure valid IP addresses are configured
• Set the DVRs recording parameters
• Ensure the Hi-Q’s password is set to 1234 (this is the default
4.2 IntuiKey Keyboard and Serial Hub Connections
• Connect each IntuiKey Keyboard to the Allegiant via an
RS-485 cable (not supplied).
• Connect each IntuiKey Keyboard to the Serial Hub via a null
modem cable (a 15-foot cable is supplied).
• Connect the serial hub to the network via an ethernet cable
(2 are supplied).
• The serial hub must be on the same network segment as the
• If the distance from your Keyboard to the Serial Hub exceeds
RS-232 limitations (50 feet), use a modem or additional Serial
Hub to extend the distance. (See Appendix B for the RS-232
pin out details.)
Rear View of the Serial Hub
4.3 ADIM PC is pre-configured as follows:
*Not Used; On the Serial Hub, keyboard cables can be
connected to Ports 1 through 6, Ports 7 & 8 are not used.
Please make note of your connections (COM port
configurations in Sections 4.4 & 4.5) for future reference.
4.4 Primary DVR Connections
• Connect the camera to the Primary DVR inputs and loop
video to the Allegiant inputs.
• Connect the MON A output of the Primary DVRs to
Allegiant inputs.
Figure 4.1 shows the relationship of the Primary DVR outputs and
Allegiant inputs to the DVR Configuration page of the ADIM.
4.5 Backup DVR and Review Monitor Connections
• Connect the Allegiant Monitor Outputs to the Backup or
Review DVR video inputs.
• Connect the MON A output of the DVRs to an Allegiant
Figure 4.1
Serial Hub’s
Physical Port
1 5
2 6
3 7
4 8
5 9
6 10
7 11*
8 12*