
Problem Explanation / Resolution
Keyboards are not communicating with the ADIM
Ensure that a null modem serial cable is connected between the IntuiKey keyboards and the serial
Ensure that the appropriate communications port is properly configured for the serial hub.
Ensure that the serial hub is connected to the network switch with a straight-through Ethernet cable.
Ensure that the ADIM software computer is connected to the network switch with a straight-through
Ethernet cable.
NOTE: If the COM port light is green (OK), this confirms the ADIM software successfully opened the
COM port. (The COM port exists and is not in use by another application.)
Pressing ADIM Controls on the IntuiKey
results in the Allegiant monitor displaying the output
of the Hi-Q’s MON A in Live mode instead of
Playback mode. (No error messages are displayed
on the Allegiant monitor.)
Set the Hi-Q Recorder’s password to 1234.
Keyboards display ADIM Off-line
Ensure that the ADIM software is up and running in normal operations mode.
Verify that the RS-232 cable from the keyboard to the serial hub is connected properly.
• The keyboard may go off-line and lose communication with ADIM if excessive conducted power
disturbance is present on the system’s serial and/or ethernet interfaces. To re-establish communication,
first identify and remove the source of the disturbance, or protect the system’s serial and/or ethernet
interfaces from the disturbance, and then close and restart the ADIM PC software.
Verify that the serial hub and ADIM PC is on the same network segment.
Error Message 100
DVR in Use is displayed on the IntuiKey keyboard
when DVR Control is pressed on the IntuiKey
The ADIM system has found the DVR associated with the keyboard user’s request, but another user is
presently using the DVR.
Wait for the DVR to be released by the other user.
Error Message 101
Requested Devices Not Found is displayed on the
IntuiKey keyboard
The user has requested playback from a device (either a camera or monitor) that could not be found in
the ADIM mapping tables.
Ensure that the ADIM mapping tables are correct.
Ensure that the DVR associated with the requested device is on-line.
Ensure that in the case of a camera not being found that the associated DVR is marked as a playback
or backup DVR.
Ensure that in the case of a monitor not being found, the associated DVR is marked as a review DVR.
Error Message 102
ADIM Communication Error is displayed on the
IntuiKey keyboard
Communications have failed between the ADIM PC software and the IntuiKey keyboards.
Verify that the ADIM software is still running.
Examine the Log file in the ADIM software to determine the reason for the communications failure.
Ensure that the keyboard is connected to the serial hub using a 9-pin null modem cable.
Ensure that the serial hub is turned on and functioning properly (consult the manual that came with
serial hub).
Ensure that the keyboard is connected to the same serial port as defined in the ADIM software.
Ensure that the ADIM system has associated a valid serial port to the keyboard.
Ensure that the ADIM software and PC is running properly.
Error Message 103
ADIM General Error is displayed on the IntuiKey
The ADIM software wishes to gain attention of the user due to detection of an error.
Consult the ADIM software PC and associated log file.
Error Message 104
ADIM Mode Conflict Error is displayed on the
IntuiKey keyboard
The IntuiKey keyboard and ADIM software are not synchronized.
No action is required; the keyboard and ADIM software will automatically synchronize.