7.1 Product Menu
To ensure that the IntuiKey
Keyboard is properly connected
to the ADIM system, press the
IntuiKey’s Product key. The
ADIM On-Line softkey option
(see Figure 7.1) will only be
displayed if the IntuiKey
Keyboard is properly connected
and configured, and the ADIM
application is running.
Press the ADIM On-Line
softkey to bring up the
Allegiant main menu. The
ADIM Controls softkey is
now displayed.
NOTE: If ADIM is offline, the ADIM Controls softkey will not
appear (will be blank on the IntuiKey Keyboard).
7.2 Allegiant Main
Upon pressing the ADIM
Controls softkey, the
following occurs:
• If the selected camera
is found and the DVR is
mapped and available,
pre-recorded video from
the present camera is
displayed on the selected
CCTV monitor. (The
default pre-recorded time
is 1-minute.) In addition,
the Keyboard displays the ADIM Controls menu (Figure 7.3).
• If the requested camera or monitor is not mapped to a DVR
(within the ADIM), the error message, Requested Device
Not Found, (along with an audible beep) is displayed on the
• If the camera is found, but the DVR is in use by another
operator, the error message, DVR in Use, (along with an
audible beep) is displayed on the Keyboard.
Refer to Appendix E for more information.
7.3 ADIM Controls Menu
The ADIM Controls menu
is used to control the Hi-Q
from the IntuiKey Keyboard.
7.4 Joystick Operation
When in ADIM Controls mode, the IntuiKey Joystick can be
used for the following actions:
• Navigation of the Menus Screen of the DVRs (UP, DOWN,
• Proportional Playback Speed (clockwise rotation for fast
forward; counterclockwise rotation for fast reverse).
7.5 Numeric Keypad Buttons
When in ADIM Controls mode, the IntuiKey Keypad buttons
perform the following functions:
• Enter corresponds to the Hi-Q’s front panel OK or Select
• The 1, 2, 3, and 4 keypad buttons on the keyboard emulate
the Hi-Q’s front panel buttons.
7.6 Softkey Buttons
When in ADIM Controls mode, the IntuiKey softkeys perform
the appropriate action for the specific DVR.
The Exit button performs the following actions:
• Returns the DVR to the system (makes available for
other users).
• Returns the keyboard to its previous menu.
• Returns the Live camera view (direct from the Allegiant) to
the present monitor.
NOTE: Details regarding the functions of the other buttons
may be found in the IntuiKey Keyboard and Philips DVR
Instruction Manuals.
7.7 Keyboard Error Handling
If the IntuiKey keyboard fails to communicate with the system,
an error message, ADIM Communication Error (along with an
audible beep) displays on the keyboard.
7.8 Clearing ADIM Alarms
ADIM messages (see Appendix A) will be displayed on the
assigned CCTV monitors. Ensure the keyboard is NOT in the
ADIM Controls menu. Use the IntuiKey Keyboard’s CLR to
clear ADIM Alarm messages.