Eye Protection
Long Pants
Heavy Shoes
Cut f rom your right to your lef t.
WARNING: Alwayswear eyeprotec-
tion. Never lean over the trimmer head.
Rocks ordebris canricochet orbe throwninto
eyes and face and cause blindness or other
serious injury.
Do not run the engine at a higher speed t h an
necessary . The cutting line will cut efficiently
whenthe e ngineis runat less thanfull throttle.
At lowe r speeds, there is less engine noise and
vibra tion. The cutting line will last longer and will
be less likely t o “weld” onto the spool.
Always release the throttle trigger and al low the
engine t o r eturn to idle speed when n ot cutting.
To stop engine:
S Release t he throttle trigger.
S Push and release the engine ON/ STOP
swit ch.
Thetrimmer linewilladvanceapproximately2
inches (5 cm) each time t he bottom of the
trimmer h e adis tappedon theground withthe
engine running at full throttle.
The most efficient line length is themaximum
length allow ed by the line limiter.
Always keep thesh ield in placewhenthe tool
is being operated.
To advance line:
S Operate t he engine at full throttle.
S Hold thetrimmer headparallel to andabove
the grassy area.
S Tap the bottom of the trimmer head l ightly on
the g round o ne ti me. Approximately 2 inches
(5 cm ) o f line will be adva nced w ith each tap.
Always tap the trimmer head on a grassy
area. Tapping on su rfaces such as concrete
or asphalt can cause exce ssive wear t o the
trimmer head.
If the line is worn dow n to 2 inches (5 cm) or
less, more t han onetap will berequired toob-
tain the most ef ficient line length.
WARNING: Use only 0.080″ (2 mm)
diameter line. Other sizes of line will not ad-
vance p roperly and ca n c ause serious injury .
Do not use other materials such as wire,
string, rope, etc. Wire can break off during
cutting and become a dangerous missile that
can cause serious injur y.
WARNING: U se minimum speed
and donot c rowdthe linewhen cuttingaround
hard object s (rock, gravel, fence posts, etc.),
whichcandamage thetrimmer head,become
entangled in the line, or be thrown causing a
serious hazard.
S The tip of the line does the cutting. You will
achieve the best performance and
minimum linewear by notcr owding the line
into the cutting area. The right and wrong
ways are shown below.
Tip of the Line
Does The Cutting
Line Crowded Into
Work Area
S The line will easily remove grass and
weeds fr omaroundwalls,fence s, treesand
flower beds, but it also can cut the tender
bark of trees or shrubs and scar fences.
S For trimming or scalping, use less tha n full
throttl e to i ncreaseline life a nd decreasehead
wear, e specially:
S During light duty cutting.
S Near objects around wh ich the line can
wrap such as small posts, trees or fence
S F or mow in g or sweeping, us e full throttlefor
a good clean job.
TRIMMING -- Hold the bottom of the trim mer
head about 3inches(8 cm)above theground
and atan angle.Allow only t hetip ofthe lineto
make contact. Do not force trimmer line into
work area.
3 inches (8 cm)
above ground
SCALPING -- The scalping technique re-
moves unwanted vegetation down to the
ground. Hold the bott om of the trimmer head
about 3 inches (8 cm) above the ground and
atanangle. A llowthetipof thelineto strikethe
ground around trees, posts,monuments,etc.
This technique increases line wear.
MOWING -- Your trimmer is ideal for mow ing
in places conventional lawn mowers cannot
reach. In the m owing position, keep t he line
parallel to the ground. Avoid pressing the
head into the ground as this can scalp the
ground and damage the t ool.