WARNING: Keep others away when
making idle speed adjustments. The trimmer
head or any optional attachment will be spin-
ningduringmostofthis procedure. Wearyou r
protective equipment and observe all safety
precautions. After making adjustments, the
trimmer head or any optional attachment
must not move/spin at idle speed.
The carburetor has been carefully set at the
factory .Adjustments may benecessary ifyou
notice any of the following conditions:
S Engine will not idle when the throttle is
S The trimmer head or any optional
attachment m oves/spins at idle.
Make adjustments wit h the unit supported so
the cutting attachment is off the ground and
will not make contact with any object.
Hold the unit byhand w hile running and m ak-
ing adjustments. Keep all parts of your body
away fromthe cutting at tachment andmuffler.
To adjust idle speed:
Allow e ngineto idle.Adjustspeed untilengine
runs w ithout trimmer head or any optional at-
tachment moving or spinning (idle t oo fast) or
engine stalling (idle speed too slow).
S T urn idle speed scre w clockwise to increase
engine speed if engine stalls or dies.
S T urn idle speed screw counterclockwise to
decre ase enginesp eed i f t rimmer head o r an y
optional attach ment moves or spins at idle.
WARNING: Recheck the idle speed
after each adjustment. The trimmer h e ad or
any optional attachment must not move or
spin atidle speedto avoidseriousinjury tothe
operator or others.
Idle Speed Screw
Air F ilter Cover
If yourequirefurther assistance orareunsur e
about performing this procedure, contact an
authorized service dealer or call
WARNING: Perform the following
steps after each use:
S Allow enginetocool before storing ortrans-
S Store unit and fuel in a well ventilated area
where fuel vapors cannot reach sparks or
open flames from wa ter heaters, electric
motors or switches, furnaces, etc.
S Store unit with all guards in place. Position
unit so that any sharp object cannot acci-
dentally cause injury.
S Store unit and fuel well out of the reach of
Prepareunit for storage at endof season or if
it w ill not be used for 30 days or m ore.
If your unit is to be stored for a period of time:
S Check entire unit for loose screws or nuts.
Replace a ny damaged, worn or broken parts.
S Clean the entire unit before lengthy
S Store in a clean dry area.
S Inspect the blade shield are a and clean any
dirt, gra ss, leaves, or debris that has col-
lected . Inspect the blade andblade shield; re-
place a blade that is bent, warped, cracke d,
broken or damaged in a ny other way.
S Lightly oil external metal surface s.
S Apply acoating ofoil t o theentire surfaceof
the blade; wr ap it in heavy paper or cloth.
TION sectionof this manual,see messagela-
beled IMPORTANT regarding the u se of ga-
sohol in your engine.
Fuel stabilizer is an acceptable alter native in
minimizing the formation offuel gum depos its
during st orage. Add stabilizer to the gasoline
in the fuel t ank or fuel storage container. Fol-
low the mix instructions found on stabilizer
container. Run engineat least 5 minutes after
adding stabilizer.
During storage of yourgas/
oil mixture, the oilwill sepa-
rate from the gas.
We recommend that yo u
shake t he gas can weekly
to insu reproper blendingof
the gas and oil.
S Remove spark plug andpour 1 t easpoon of
40:1, 2- cycl eengine oil(air cooled)through
the spark plug opening. Slowly pull the
starter rope 8 to 10 t im es to distribute oil.
S Replace spark plug w ith newone ofrecom-
mended type and heat range.
S Clean air filter.
S Check entire unit for loose screws, nuts,
and bolts. Replace any damaged, br oken,
or worn parts.
S At the beginning of the next season, use
only fresh fuel hav ingtheproper gasolineto
oil ratio.
S Do not store gasoline from one season to
S Replace your gas olinecan ifit starts t orust.