SWEEPING -- Thefanningactionof therotat-
ing line can be use d for a quick and easy
clean up. Keep the line parallel to and above
the surfaces being swept and move the tool
from side to side.
Heavy Shoes
Long Pants
Eye Protection
Head P rotection
When operating unit, stand as shown and
check for the following:
S Wear eye protect ion and heavy clothing .
S Keep right arm slightly bent with right hand
holding the trigger handle of powerhead.
S Keep left arm extended with l e ft ha nd
holding the handle.
S Keep unit below waist level.
S Adjust edger w heel for proper cut depth.
WARNING: Never attempt to adjust
the edger wheel w hen theunit is in operation.
Always st op the power head, wait until the
blade s tops turning, and dis connect thespark
plug befor e making adjustments.
As youbecomefamiliar w ithuseof youredger
attachment,you willbe ableto determineyour
own operating pace.
Conditions such as depth of cut and material
being cut will regulate the speed and time re-
quired for your edging job.
S Allow the engine t o warm up before you begin
S Increase the engine speed be fore placing the
blade in the cut. For best results, run th e en-
gine at f ull throttle while cutti ng.
S Al wa ys wor k go i n g a wa y fro m p e op l e an d
solid o bjec ts such as wall s, la rg e ston es,
trees, aut omobiles, etc.
S Be c arefu l w hen e dging neartr ees or valuable
plants. The high speed met al b lade m ay cut
roots and cause dam age to t he plants.
S If the b lade stalls, immediately m ove the unit
back slightl y toallow the bladeto restart. If the
blade continues to stall, stop the engine, dis-
connect t he spark plug, and inspect for block-
age or damage.
WARNING: Keep the blade area
clean. Always release the throttle trigger,
push and release the engine ON/STOP
switch, disconnect the spark plug and make
sure the blade has completely stopped turn-
ing before c leaning.
WARNING: Never attempt t o adjust
the cut depth when the engine is running. Al-
ways r elease the throttle trigger, wait until t he
blade stops turning, push and release theen-
gine ON/STOP swi tch, and disconnectspark
plug before making adjustments.
Depth Adjustment
1. Loosen the depth adjustment knob.
2. Slide the wheel to t he desired position.
S Raising the wheel willincrease t hecut-
ting depth.
S Lowering the wheel will decrease the
cutting depth.
3. T ighten the depth adjustment knob se-