ROM Read-Only Memory.
router A device that forwards IP packets to their
destination. Also called a gateway.
RPRINTER Remote Printer. A Novell print method
where the NIC waits for jobs to be sent to it
from a defined PSERVER.
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol. A
standard protocol used to monitor network
devices called “SNMP agents.”
socket TCP connection between two hosts
consisting of a source and destination TCP
port number at each end.
subnet mask A binary value used to divide IP networks
into smaller sub-networks or subnets. This
mask is used to help determine whether IP
packets need to be forwarded to other
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
Protocol. Suite of protocols that act as the
base protocol for the Internet.
TCP port A logical connection point in the software
of a TCP host or device. When two IP
devices talk, they establish a socket which
consists of a source and destination TCP
port number on both ends.
telnet Command and protocol to establish a
terminal connection between two hosts on
an IP network.
UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair. A cable used for
telephone and computer-to-computer
WAN Wide Area Network.