
Current Log Path Settings
Specifies whether alerts from the enabled alert group categories for
this configuration will be sent to the specified e-mail address. If this
option is enabled, the following information must be entered:
E-mail Address - specifies an e-mail address to which alert
information will be sent
Short E-mail Format - specifies whether a short (15-80
character) alert e-mail message should be sent.
If enabled, the message will contain the alert description, the
severity level, device description, and device name (unless the
length of the message exceeds the Short E-mail Message
Length, in which case the message will be truncated).
If disabled, the message will contain additional information
including the device description, device name and location,
alert description, alert group, alert severity level, and printer
Short E-mail Message Length - Specifies the maximum size of
the short e-mail message. Acceptable values are 15 to 80
80 characters
Send Test Message - Provides a way to test the validity of the
e-mail address/SMTP server address. If checked, a test
message will be sent to the specified e-mail address when the
submit button is pressed.
All alert groups are disabled by default.
If the alert message is to be sent to a cellular phone or pager, the
Short E-mail Format option should be enabled. Once this option is
enabled, you may specify the maximum e-mail message length
(15-80 characters). When enabled, the message will contain the
alert description, the severity level, device description, and device
name (unless the length of the message exceeds the Short E-mail
Message Length, in which case the message will be truncated).
SNMP Configuration