
NetWare Version 5.x
PSERVER setup, 163
RPRINTER setup, 166
configuration, 57
connection, 33
NIC cannot be found, 120
status, 92
TCP/IP, 57
Network Indicator, 25
Network Interface Card, 17
Network Name, 802.11b, 59
Network sharing, AS/400, 269
NIC, 17
cannot be found, 120
cannot be found on network,
troubleshooting, 149
change destination names, 98
configuration (10/100Base-T),
Novell, 172
configuration for AIX 4, 144
configuration menu, 56
configuration, Windows, 94
destinations, 21
guest user, 343
HTML structure, 52
installation, 33
naming schemes, 354
passwords, 343
queues, 21
reset password, 345
root user, 343
running AS400 with TN5250, 296
security, 343
Set NDS content, 182
Set preferred NDS tree, 183
special features, 18
users, 343
verification, 39
NIC NDS content, NDS setup, 182
NIC preferred NDS tree, NDS setup, 183
NIC TCP/IP settings, OS/2, 203
No extra page, troubleshooting, 152
No form feed, troubleshooting, 152
Notes, 31
Notices, 31
environment, 155
Host configuration, 158
host configuration, 10/100Base-T, 184
HTML forms, 157
NIC configuration, 156
NIC configuration (10/100Base-T), 172
troubleshooting, 168
Novell Network, 62
File Server, 63
FrameType, 63
NDS, 63
Protocol, 62
Pserver, 63
Rprinter, 64
Service Type, 63