IB0056101-00 G.02 Preliminary D-1
D Package Descriptions
The following sections contain detailed descriptions of the packages for the
InfiniPath and OpenFabrics software. In this release, software may be installed in
several ways. With the QLogicIB-Basic download, which uses the Installer tool,
the package groupings are a bit different than those in the RPM-based
Package Names with the QLogicIB-Basic
The QLogic IB-Basic download has been packaged differently than the RPM
download. Some but not all of the underlying packages are RPMs. The Installer
tool groups the components in this way:
ib_stack, truescale, mvapich_gcc_qlc, mvapich_pgi_qlc,
mvapich_pathscale_qlc, mvapich_intel_qlc, openmpi_gcc_qlc,
openmpi_pgi_qlc, openmpi_pathscale_qlc, openmpi_intel_qlc,oftools,
ib_stack_dev, fastfabric, qlgc_srp, qlgc_vnic, qlgc_fm,
ofed_ipoib, ofed_sdp, ofed_udapl, mvapich, mvapich2, openmpi,
ofed_mpisrc, ofed_rds, ofed_srp, ofed_srpt, ofed_iser, ofed_isert,
ofed_iwarp, opensm, ofed_debug
Once the Installer tool has begun the installation, for some packages, the
underlying RPM names are displayed on the screen.
Different Nodes May Use Different RPMs
In a cluster environment, different nodes may be used for different functions, such
as launching jobs, software development, or running jobs. These nodes are
defined as follows:
Front end node. This node launches jobs. It is referred to as the front end
node throughout this document.
Compute node. These nodes run jobs.
Development or build node. These are the machines on which examples
or benchmarks can be compiled.
Any machine can serve any combination of these three purposes, but a typical
cluster has many compute nodes and just a few (or only one) front end nodes.
The number of nodes used for development will vary.