Package Descriptions
InfiniPath RPM Version Numbers and Identifiers
D-2 Preliminary IB0056101-00 G.02
Although QLogic recommends installing all RPMs on all nodes, not all InfiniPath
software is required on all nodes. See Table D-2, Table D-3, or Table D-4 for
information on installation of software RPMs on specific types of nodes.
InfiniPath RPM Version Numbers and Identifiers
The InfiniPath RPMs that are shipped have the InfiniPath release number, build
identifiers, and distribution contained in the RPM name. The architecture is
designated by x86_64, noarch, or i386, and is dependent upon the distribution.
For example:
Note that _qlc is always added after the distribution identifier.
In the InfiniPath tables in this appendix, the release and build identifiers are
contained in xxx and the distribution identifier plus _qlc is contained in yyy.
Using this convention, the previous RPM would be listed as:
OpenFabrics RPM Names
Non-InfiniPath components have their own version numbering, which can vary
dependent upon the source of the RPM. For example
1_1_0 is the 1.1.0 build for mvapich. In the following tables the version number
is replaced by xxx.
InfiniPath and OpenFabrics RPMs
QLogic recommends installing all RPMs (with the exception of the *-Static/*,
*-Debuginfo/*, and *32bit/*) on all nodes, if using the rpm method.
Some RPMs are optional. Since cluster nodes can be used for different functions,
it is possible to selectively install RPMs. For example, you can install the opensm
package for use on the node that will act as a subnet manager. If you want to
selectively install the RPMs, see the following tables for a comparison of required
and optional packages.
To generate a list of the InfiniPath software package contents on each RPM, type:
$ rpm -qlp rpm_file_name