
Software Installation
Install QLogicIB-Basic with the Installer Tool
IB0056101-00 G.02 Preliminary 5-11
Open SM (1) should only be installed on one node in the cluster where it will
be used. If desired, Type 1 for Open SM.
7. Finally, type p to start the installation.
The installer will uninstall older OFED RPMs, and then will ask for input for a
series of operations. You can accept the defaults, by pressing <Enter>.
Take note of the following cases:
Install MPI with prefix compatible with mpi-selector
(/usr/mpi/qlogic) [y]: y
This default allows you to use the mpi-selector to choose between
different MPI implementations.
If you type y, make sure, after installation, that the environment variable
$MPICH_ROOT is set to the same prefix that is used here
(/usr/mpi/qlogic). When set, the $MPICH_ROOT variable allows QLogic
MPI to correctly locate header and library files for MPI compilation and
running parallel jobs. Typing n will cause QLogic MPI to be installed in the
default /usr.
The next case is:
Configure OFED IP over IB IPV4 addresses now? [n]:
Answer y if the IB IPV4 addresses and netmasks are available, and you
want to enter them now. Answer n if the IB addresses are not available or
you want to add them later. IPoIB can be configured manually by following
the instructions for “Configuring the IPoIB Network Interface” on page 6-2.
Finally, QLogic recommends you answer n to the following:
Enable QLogic SRP (qlgc_srp) to autostart? [y]: n
Enable OFED SRP (openibd) to autostart? [y]: n
Further instructions for using SRP are given in “SRP” on page 6-4.
8. Once the install has completed, quit the installer by typing x until you have
exited. After exiting, rebooting the machine is recommended.
The Installer can also be used as a command-line interface (CLI). There are
numerous options for installation/upgrade/uninstallation/autostart of all the
available components. Here are the available options:
./INSTALL [-r root] [-v|-vv] [-a|-n|-U|-F|-u|-s|-i comp|-e comp|-E
comp|-D comp] [-f] [--user_configure_options ’options’]
If you want support for 32 bit programs, you can install the 32-bit libraries on
a 64-bit system like this:
# ./INSTALL --32bit