Europa User Guide
Europa User GuideEuropa User Guide
Europa User Guide
Europa Firmware Update Utility
Europa Firmware Update Utility Europa Firmware Update Utility
Europa Firmware Update Utility
Page 51
If communication is not established, acknowledge the failure by clicking on OK on the “MIDI Response
timeout” dialog, double check the MIDI cabling and the transmit/receive buses selected in the dialog and
try connecting again.
If communication is established, click OK in the “Connection established!” dialog. The update utility will
now show the original dialog box with Europa’s serial number and the currently installed Europa version
number. If the Europa image is bad, a serial number and current version will not be displayed.
Step 2: Locate an image to update
Step 2: Locate an image to updateStep 2: Locate an image to update
Step 2: Locate an image to update
The “Find image” button will become active and can be pressed to locate an update image:
Select the image by double clicking on the filename, or single clicking on the filename and clicking on the
“Open” button.
Another alternative to using the “Find image” button is to click on the “Image filename” line on the main
dialog and manually type in the path and filename of the image to apply. Changing focus to another part
of the dialog will cause the update utility to check the file and will inform the operator of a bad filename
or corrupt image. If the file is good, the “Update” button will become active.
Europa images have a .efi file extension, and are always named the update version they contain. NOTE:
Do not rename the Europa update image filename! The update utility recognizes full length Windows
filenames. It will just cause confusion later on if multiple .efi files are present.
After the image is selected, it is completely verified to ensure the file does not contain any corruptions
and is not malformed. If the image is bad, a dialog box will pop up indicating that the file has a CRC
error. Redownload the image from Synthcom Systems’ web site.