Europa User Guide
uropa User Guideuropa User Guide
uropa User Guide
Europa Limited Warrant
Europa Limited Warrant Europa Limited Warrant
Europa Limited Warranty
Page 79
15. Europa limited warranty
Europa limited warrantyEuropa limited warranty
Europa limited warranty
Synthcom Systems Incorporated is referred to as Synthcom throughout this chapter. Synthcom reserves
the right to alter the contents of this warranty without notice at any time.
User installed Europa upgrades
User installed Europa upgradesUser installed Europa upgrades
User installed Europa upgrades
Synthcom will guarantee the Europa chip for 6 months from the date of purchase. All Europa upgrades
are fully tested (including flash updating) before shipment. Replacements will be given for DOA units
upon receipt of returned malfunctioning chip(s) to Synthcom at the expense of Synthcom. Synthcom
reserves the right to determine the root cause of the failure and if Synthcom determines the failure to be
end user damage, warranty will not be honored. If Synthcom determines the failure to be non-end user
damaged, Synthcom will pay for shipping charges to and from the customer. If the customer paid for
shipping already, the customer will be reimbursed reasonable shipping charges as defined by Synthcom.
Synthcom will not guarantee Europas that have broken or bent pins or Europa chips that have been
installed incorrectly. Synthcom will not guarantee Europa against damage done during installation of
Europa by a third party to any Europa component or Jupiter 6 component. Synthcom Systems cannot be
held liable for incorrect installation by a third party or incidental damage incurred by the installation
process of a third party.
Synthcom is liable for shipping of the Europa upgrade kit to the end user or installer. If it is damaged
upon receipt, Synthcom will provide a new upgrade replacement upon receipt of the damaged package
to Synthcom. The customer will be reimbursed any additional shipping charges incurred in the return of
the damaged package to Synthcom.
Synthcom will provide support for the installation process but will not provide walkthroughs or
assistance in basic soldering/installation techniques or board troubleshooting unrelated to the Europa
upgrade process. It is assumed the installer has knowledge of the Europa upgrade process, and if not
qualified, the installation should not be attempted. Users asking for textual or verbal descriptions of
detailed changes to the board will immediately be referred to the installation guide for accurate pictorial
Subcomponents of the upgrade, which include a socket and resistor, are not subject to a warranty of any
kind except for shipping damage as outlined above. All parts are examined for damaged before shipping
and will not be shipped if they exhibit damage.
Synthcom installed Europa upgrades
Synthcom installed Europa upgradesSynthcom installed Europa upgrades
Synthcom installed Europa upgrades
Synthcom will verify the controller board (upon receipt) works fully upon receipt before any work is
done. If the board is not found to be fully functional (Synthcom's discretion), Synthcom will notify the
owner by whatever means available for a course of action. Additional repair charges may apply.
Synthcom will not upgrade a nonfunctioning controller board. Shipping charges to/from Synthcom
systems still apply regardless of the health of the controller board. Synthcom will not accept entire Jupiter
6s shipped to Synthcom. It will be refused upon delivery. On-site entire board upgrades can be
performed. Please contact Synthcom to arrange the upgrade.
Synthcom will upgrade the controller board and be liable for any damage to the board incurred by the
upgrade process. Synthcom will do full controller board verification before and after the upgrade so it is
known to be working upon receipt and when shipped back to the customer.