Europa User Guide
Europa User GuideEuropa User Guide
Europa User Guide
Europa Firmware Update Utility
Europa Firmware Update Utility Europa Firmware Update Utility
Europa Firmware Update Utility
Page 53
The Apple Macintosh Europa Firmware Update Utility
The Apple Macintosh Europa Firmware Update UtilityThe Apple Macintosh Europa Firmware Update Utility
The Apple Macintosh Europa Firmware Update Utility
The Macintosh firmware update utility works on any Macintosh with OMS 1.2 or an equivalent (such as
FreeMIDI 1.35 which emulates OMS 1.2), installed and running. OMS 1.2 (or equivalent) must be
configured to send to and receive from the Europa enhanced Jupiter 6. It is assumed the system is already
set up and working, as it is beyond the ability for this manual to give specific instructions for any given
MIDI hardware/software configuration. Refer to the MIDI interface’s manual for proper setup and
Special note for FreeMIDI 1.35 and later users: If a hang is experienced when running the EFUU, try
unchecking the “Async” box and running the EFUU again. There’s no technical way for the EFUU to
differentiate between a real OMS implementation and FreeMIDI’s OMS emulation, and thus no way for
the EFUU to automatically uncheck the Async option.
Execute the Macintosh EFUU either from the provided CD-ROM or from Synthcom Systems’ web site.
Note that the version encountered on the CD or web site may differ from the examples below, but
operation remains the same.
Step 1: Establish communication with Europa
Step 1: Establish communication with EuropaStep 1: Establish communication with Europa
Step 1: Establish communication with Europa
When the EFUU is launched, it will look like this:
The “Async” checkbox is enabled and defaulted to "checked" when OMS 2.0 or greater is installed. This
checkbox controls the method used to transmit data from EFUU to the Jupiter 6. The box should normally
be left checked unless problems are encountered when transmitting to the Jupiter 6. It's far more likely
that a problem will occur when unchecked, as some USB interfaces (like the Opcode MIDIport 32) may
not work with the box unchecked.