Chapter 4 Creating Patches
PITCH ENV: Pitch envelope
TVF ENV: TVF envelope
TVA ENV: TVA envelope
Selects the parameters to be controlled. (p. 218)
Sens (Sensitivity)
Range: -63– +63
Adjusts the amount of change that will occur in response to
controller changes. Negative (-) values invert the change.
Negative (-) settings will invert the phase. For LFO rates,
negative (-) values slow down the LFO, and positive (+)
values will speed it up.
Selects the Tone to which the two previous parameter
settings are applied. “o” turns signifies that the Tone is
selected for control, “_” that it is not selected, and “R” that
the change being applied is inverted when applied to this
PATCH LFO&Ctrl Control Sw page
([PATCH] - [F5 (LFO&CTL)] - [F4 (Ctrl
MIDI Rx Switch (MIDI Receive Switch)
Bender Sw (Tone Receive Bender)
Range: OFF/ON
If you want the Tone to respond to Pitch Bend messages, turn
this parameter on. If not, turn it off.
Expression Sw (Tone Receive Expression)
Range: OFF/ON
If you want the Tone to respond to Expression messages,
turn this on. If not, turn it off.
Hold-1 Sw (Tone Receive Hold 1)
Range: OFF/ON
Set this to ON if you wish the tone to respond to Hold1
messages – these messages cause sounds to continue playing
when a sustain/damper pedal is pressed. Set this to OFF
when you do not want the Tone to respond to Hold1
Redamper (Tone Redamper Switch)
Range: OFF/ON
If a Hold 1 message is received during the time between a
note-off – when you release the key – and the time at which
the note actually disappears, any currently sounding notes
will be sustained if Redamper is set to ON. To take
advantage of this feature, you must also turn on the Tone
Receive Hold 1 setting.
Pan Mode (Tone Receive Pan Mode)
Available Settings:
CONT: Pan messages will be responded to immediately,
instantly changing the stereo position of the Rhythm Tone.
KEY-ON: The stereo location of the Tone will be changed
only when the next note is played. If a Pan message is
received while a note is sounding, its stereo location will not
change. In this case, the stereo location will change only for
the note played later, and the currently sounding note will
not move.
Tone Env Mode (Tone Envelope Mode)
When a loop-type waveform is selected, it will normally
continue to sound as long as a key is pressed. If you want a
note to decay naturally even when the key remains pressed,
set this to “NO-SUS.”
* If a one-shot type Wave is selected, it will not sustain even if
this parameter is set to “SUSTAIN.”