Chapter 6 Creating Rhythm Sets
vibrations and the hollow sounds of brass instruments.
The following diagram shows an example of a sound — an
electric organ — that combines one-shot and looped
Notes for Editing One-Shot Waveforms
You cannot give a one-shot waveform a longer decay — or
make it into a sustaining sound — by using an envelope. If
you were to program such an envelope, you would be
attempting to shape a portion of the sound that simply
doesn’t exist, and the envelope would have no effect.
Notes for Editing Looped Waveforms
With many acoustic instruments such as piano and sax,
extreme timbral changes occur during the first few moments
of each note. This initial attack is what defines much of the
instrument’s character. The XV-5080 provides a variety of
waveforms containing realistic acoustic instrument attacks.
To obtain the maximum realism when using these
waveforms, it is best to leave the filter wide-open during the
attack so that all of these important timbral changes are
heard. If you use an envelope to modify the attack portion,
you may not achieve the result you want. Use enveloping to
produce the desired changes in the decay portion of the
If you try to make a waveform’s attack brighter by lowering
the high-frequency content of its decay using the TVF filter,
consider the original timbral character of the waveform. If
you’re making a part of the sound brighter than the original
waveform, you should first generate new upper harmonics
not present in the original waveform using the Color and
Depth parameters (the FXM parameter in the RHYTHM WG
WgPrm page) before filtering. This will help you achieve the
desired result. To make an entire waveform brighter, try
applying effects such as an enhancer and equalizer before
modifying the TVF parameter.
Modifying the Waveform, Pan
and Pitch ([F2 (Key WG)])
RHYTHM WG Parameter page
([RHYTHM] - [F2 (WG)] - [F1 (WG Prm)])
Rhythm Tone
Name (Tone Name)
You can name a Rhythm Tone using up to 12 characters.
Press [ ] or [ ] to move the cursor, and then create the
name by turning the VALUE dial or pressing the [INC] or
[DEC] buttons to select the desired characters.
Available characters/symbols:
space, A-Z, a-z, 0-9, ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^
_ ` { | } → ←
* Pressing the VALUE dial displays the Patch Name window,
in which you can use the following functions.
[F2 (←Prev)]: Move back one character.
[F3 (Next→)]: Move forward one character.
[F4 (Insert)]: Insert a blank space at the cursor position.
[F5 (Delete)]: Delete the character at the cursor position.
[F6 (OK)]: Confirm the selected name.
With the XV-5080, up to four stereo Waves can be assigned to
a single Rhythm Tone. You can select the way tones sound
according to the force with which the keys are played, thus
allowing you to create Rhythm Tones featuring great
expressive power. This function is called WMT (Wave Mix
TVA ENV for looped Organ
waveform (sustain portion)
Resulting TVA ENV change
TVA ENV for one-shot Key-
click waveform (attack portion)
Tone change stored
with the wave
for the TVF filter
Resulting tone change
Looped Portion