Chapter 4 Creating Patches
Making the Volume Change ([F4
Press [F5 (Global)] to turn Global on and display the "✔" to
the left of the function name; the same settings are applied to
all Partials used in the Patch being edited. When Global is set
to OFF, then only the currently selected Partial (the Partial
appearing on the screen) is edited.
Press [F6 (MIDISel)] to display the "✔" to the left of the
function name; You can also press a key on a connected MIDI
keyboard to select the pertial.
PATCH TVA Parameter page (PATCH] -
[F4 (TVA)] - [F1 (TVF Prm)])
Level (Partial Level)
Range: 0–127
Adjusts the sound volume of the entire Partial.
Pan (Partial Pan)
Range: L64–0–63R
Adjusts the pan setting for the entire Partial.
Keyfollow Point
Range: A0–C8
Determines the key used for the center of the key follow
effect. The two independent parameters controlled by key
follow (level and envelope time) are both affected by the Key
Follow Point set here.
Level (Level Keyfollow)
Range: -63– +63
Changes the volume level relative to the key follow point.
Higher settings will produce more change. Positive (+)
settings will increase the volume level when higher keys are
pressed. Negative (-) settings will decrease the volume level.
TVA Velo (TVA Velocity)
Curve (Velocity Curve)
Range: 0–3
Selects the curve which corresponds to the velocity value and
the volume level. When this is set to “1,” velocity has no
effect on the volume level.
Sens (Velocity Curve Sens)
Range: -63– +63
Determines the depth of the velocity curve.
The curve effect which was set in the Velocity Curve
parameter can be gained with a setting of “0” here. The effect
is emphasized for positive values, and becomes weaker for
negative values. When this is set to -63, velocity has no effect
on the volume level.
PATCH TVA Envelope page ([PATCH] -
[F4 (TVA)] - [F2 (TVA Env)])
TVA Envelope
These parameters set the characteristics of the TVA envelope,
which applies changes over time to the Tone’s Tone level
Time Keyfollow (Envelope Time Keyfollow)
Range: -63– +63
Changes the envelope time (from Time 1 to 4) relative to the
key follow point. Higher settings produce greater change.
Positive (+) settings will reduce the time when higher keys
are pressed. Negative (-) settings will extend time.
Time (TVA Envelope Time 1–4)
Range: 0–127
These settings determine the times over which the Tone level
setting will change from one TVA envelope level to the next.
T1 T2 T3 T4
key is pressed
key is released