
Spanning Tree
RS400 153 ROS™ v3.5
5.4.3 MST Region Identifier
Figure 103: MST Region Identifier Table
Synopsis: Any 32 characters
Default: 00-0A-DC-00-41-74
Variable length text string. You must configure an identical region name on all switches you
want to be in the same MST region.
Revision Level
Synopsis: 0 to 65535
Default: 0
Use this parameter, if you want to create a new region from a subset of switches in a current
region, while maintaining the same region name.
Synopsis: 32 hex characters
This is a read-only parameter and should be only used for network troubleshooting.
In order to ensure consistent VLAN-to-instance mapping, it is necessary for the protocol to be
able to exactly identify the boundaries of the MST regions. For that purpose, the characteristics
of the region are included in BPDUs. There is no need to propagate the exact VLAN-to-instance
mapping in the BPDUs because switches only need to know whether they are in the same
region as a neighbor. Therefore, only this 16-octet digest created from the VLAN-to-instance
mapping is sent in BPDUs.