
Serial Protocols
ROS™ v3.5 54 RS400
TCP accept one dynamic connection from different IP address
Dynamic connection activity timer controlled
XON/XOFF flow control for permanent connection
‘Packetization’ trigger based on a full packet, a specific character or upon a timeout for each
2.1.3 ‘Modbus’ protocol features
Operation in TCPModbus server gateway or client gateway mode
Multi-master mode on server
Configurable behavior in for sending exceptions
Full control over ‘packetization’ timers
Configurable Auxiliary IP port number for applications that do not support port 502
2.1.4 ‘DNP’ protocol features
‘Packetization’ per protocol specification
CRC checking in message headers received from the serial port
Local and remote source address learning
2.1.5 ‘Microlok’ protocol features
‘Packetization’ per protocol specification
2.1.6 ‘WIN’ protocol features
‘Packetization’ following the protocol requirements
CRC checking for messages received from the serial port
2.1.7 ‘TIN’ protocol features
Support for two modes of TIN protocol
‘Packetization’ following the protocol requirements
CRC checking for messages received from the serial port
Remote source address learning, specific for two different modes