
ROS™ v3.5 52 RS400
1.16 Troubleshooting
Problem One
I have configured the IP address and a gateway. I am pinging the switch but it is not
responding. I am sure the switch is receiving the ping because it’s port LEDs are flashing
and the statistics menu shows the pings. What is going on?
Is the switch being pinged through a router? If so, the switch gateway address must be
configured. The following figure illustrates the problem.
Figure 29: Using A Router As A Gateway
The router is configured with the appropriate IP subnets and will forward the ping from the
workstation to the switch. When the switch responds, however, it will not know which its
interfaces to use in order to reach the workstation and will drop the response. Programming a
gateway of will cause the switch to forward un-resolvable frames to the router.
This problem will also occur if the gateway address is not configured and the switch tries to
raise an SNMP trap to a host that is not on the local subnet