
LD Language Elements
SR2MAN01 11/2007 113
Use as a Contact The contact associated with the counter indicates whether the preset value (TO
mode) or zero (FROM mode) has been reached.
It may be used as many times as necessary as many times as necessary in the
program. It may be used according to 2 modes: normally open or normally closed,
described below.
Normally open mode:
Symbol of the normally open contact associated with a counter:
The contact is conducting when:
z The current counter value has reached the preset value, if the counter is in TO
mode (upcounting mode),
z The current counter value is equal to 0, if the counter is in FROM mode
(downcounting mode),
Normally closed mode:
Symbol of the normally closed contact associated with a counter:
The contact is conducting as long as :
z The current counter value has not reached the preset value, if the counter is in
TO mode (upcounting mode).
z The current counter value is not equal to 0 if the counter is in FROM mode
(downcount mode).
Lighting a LED connected to counter no. 1 output (TO mode).
When the preset value has been reached: The LED is lit; otherwise it is off.
C1 [ Q1